Swimming Gala

March 6, 2008 at 4:19 am | Posted in cempaka school, Swimmg Gala | Leave a comment

I everyone I have something to tell you.My school had a very special event called Swimming Gala.They had a race against four houses . The Houses are Harimau,Seladang,Helang and Beruang.It was held on a Sunday 24/2/2008. Harimau came is first place ,second Seladang ,third Beruang and forth place Helang. I’m so happy because I’m in Harimau.There was also a Jumble sales and a telematch because the school is celebrating their 25th anniversary. They had a lot of things to do at the jumble sales. There were games, food and you could buy toys and books. But there was something special because you had to change your money into coupons. It was very fun.
I played lots of games there. The money was given to charity.

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